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The Katherine Anne Porter Room was established by the University of Maryland in appreciation of the generosity and interest of this distinguished American author. From that time until ill health prevented it, Miss Porter came often to this room to work on her papers.
Ve třicátých letech pluje po moři loď, shromažďující lidi různých národů a charakterů. Každý má nějaké své osobní trable, ale ve vzduchu visí něco, co je spojuje: blížící se vznik třetí říše. Loď bláznů je akční film z roku 1965, spadající do žánrů akční, drama, romantický, válečný, adaptace knižní, oscarový a retro. V hlavních rolích Vivien Leigh, Simone Signoretová a José Ferrer. Režie: Stanley KramerFilmové podobenství společnosti, která dokázala dovézt Evropu až k nástupu Katherine Anne Porter has 83 books on Goodreads with 62927 ratings.
Looking for books by Katherine Anne Porter? See all books authored by Katherine Anne Porter, including The Collected Stories of Katherine Anne Porter, and Pale Horse, Pale Rider, and more on ThriftBooks.com. Learn more about Katherine Anne Porter. Browse Katherine Anne Porter’s best-selling audiobooks and newest titles. Discover more authors you’ll love listening to on Audible.
In Katherine Anne Porter: The Life of an Artist, Darlene Harbour Unrue finds that Porter's deceptions were a screen for deep personal turmoil. With unprecedented access to archival and personal papers, Unrue brings much new information to light.
American novelist and short-story writer, a master stylist whose long short stories have a richness of texture and complexity of character delineation usually achieved only in the novel. 3. Porter was Oskar. Ve třicátých letech pluje po moři loď, shromažďující lidi různých národů a charakterů.
Porter, Katherine Anne , 1890-1980 Porter, Katherine Anne 1890-1980 --Criticism and interpretation Porter, Katherine Anne 1890-1980 --Knowledge--Literature Women and literature--Southern States--History--20th century Criticism--United States--History--20th century Literature--History and criticism--Theory, etc Fiction--Technique
Looking for books by Katherine Anne Porter?
Ve třicátých letech pluje po moři loď, shromažďující lidi různých národů a charakterů. Každý má nějaké své osobní trable, ale ve vzduchu visí něco, co je spojuje: blížící se vznik třetí říše. Loď bláznů je akční film z roku 1965, spadající do žánrů akční, drama, romantický, válečný, adaptace knižní, oscarový a retro. V hlavních rolích Vivien Leigh, Simone Signoretová a José Ferrer.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Katherine Anne Porter was an American short-story writer who had her greatest success with her only novel, the allegorical epic Ship of Fools (1962). Raised by her grandmother in Texas and Louisiana, Porter’s young life was famously colorful and included three failed marriages, travels in Europe and Mexico and a stint as a journalist. Katherine Anne Porter (1890-1980) was one of the most brilliant practitioners of the art of the short story. Her literary reputation rests on the stories in her Collected Stories (1964) rather than on her best-selling novel Ship of Fools (1962). Katherine Anne Porter was an inveterate letter writer, fortunately for admirers of her fiction and essays.
Más información sobre este vendedor | Contactar al vendedor 13. … Katherine Anne Porter was a distinguished American journalist, essayist and a short story writer. After a difficult childhood and an abusive first marriage, she began to work in Chicago as an actress.
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Jameson wrote the introduction to the British edition of The Diary of Anne Frank. Jameson's novel Last Score was praised by Ben Ray Redman in the Saturday Review of Literature. Redman described Last Score as "one of Storm Jameson's best" and stated "it is the complex web of human relationships that give this novel its breadth and depth".
Set in her native Texas and her beloved Mexico, in Greenwich Village, Berlin, and the gothic Old South, these Winner of a National Book Award and a Pulitzer Prize - Includes "Pale Horse, Pale Rider" set during the flu epidemic of 1918 From the gothic Old South to revolutionary Mexico, few writers have evoked such a multitude of worlds, both exterior and interior, as powerfully as Katherine Anne Porter. This collection gathers together the best of her Katherine Anne Porter (May 15, 1890– September 18, 1980), was an American author and journalist best known for her short stories and her 1962 masterwork, Ship of Fools. She spent her early years working as a teacher of drama, dance and song to help support her and her father.