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View live Binance Coin / US Dollar (calculated by TradingView) chart to track latest price changes. Trade ideas, forecasts and market news are at your disposal as well. Why get subbed to me on Tradingview? -TOP author on TradingView -15+ years experience in markets -Professional chart break downs -Supply/Demand Zones -TD9 counts / combo review -Key S/R levels -No junk on my charts -Frequent updates -Covering FX/crypto/US stocks -24/7 uptime so constant updates EOSUSD D4: 600% gains BEST LEVEL TO BUY/HOLD(SL/TP)(NEW) IMPORTANT today UNIUSD reach double top pattern at 32.5 if this pattern break up, this coin will fly up. but careful, if doubletop cannot break up, 1st support at diagonal support around 29.11 and if this level break down, next support are very far at 18.13 note : hope it will break double top reistance :)), and don't forget to support me with "like" IOTA weekly chart shows consolidated move.The daily chart forecast a possibility for a positive crossover between the moving average. While coming on to the shorter time frame of 4hrs,it is inside a parabolic curve.If the price breaks 10% above or below the curve than major movement can be seen on IOTA price. Dot still have power, i don't post indicators to keep chart clean, but 1 day is not maxed at all, i checked orders wall on Big Exchange using Span and the big wall for DOT is 50$..
View live XRP / U.S. Dollar chart to track latest price changes. Trade ideas, forecasts and market news are at your disposal as well. TradingView . EN. TradingView. Ticker Trading Ideas Educational Ideas Scripts People.
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EUR USD (Euro/Dólar estadounidense) Los pares de divisas más negociados del mundo se denominan los 'pares mayores' y el EURUSD encabeza este grupo, siendo el más negociado del mundo. Este par representa a las dos mayores economías del mundo y ha afrontado su mayor volatidad a partir de la creación del euro en 1999.
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